

Industry and urbanisation have caused damage to the ecosystem and resulted in the contamination of natural resources with man-made substances.
Bioremediation is a cost-effective and sustainable method for treating a variety of contaminants using naturally occurring micro-organisms in soil, and is often preferred over traditional remediation methods as it is cost-effective, environmentally friendly and sustainable. However, understanding microbiology is crucial to the success of bioremediation techniques.

GreenSoil Group specialises in bioremediation, particularly in in situ and on-site applications.
The choice of bioremediation technique used depends on the degradation process of the contaminants.

Furthermore, depending on the type of contamination and local geological conditions, additional in-situ techniques can be adopted to remediate the contamination in a cost-effective manner.

Bioremediation goes beyond the simple removal of contamination and aims to follow the next generation approach in remediation: the restoration of a healthy soil with a good chemical, biological and physical state, capable of continuously providing all the necessary services to the ecosystem that the soil itself represents.

Greensoil's established techniques have been successfully used to clean up contaminated sites around the world and remain an important tool for environmental clean-up and restoration.

Treat soil sustainably and avoid off-site disposal
Contaminants are managed in place allowing to combine remediation and redevelopment
Our bio-based remediation techniques are continuously being improved by our R&D and innovation
With our contracting solutions we offer new ways to manage risk and reduce financial uncertainty in your remediation projects.